Install Yarn dan Docsify di Mac OS - Yarn vs NPM? kwkwk kali ini kita akan menginstall yarn dan docsify di mac os. ber…
Cara Install NVM di Mac OS - NVM atau Node Version Manager adalah aplikasi yang dapat memungkinkan user menginstall ba…
Membuat Shortcut/Launcher Aplikasi XAMPP di Ubuntu - Kali ini saya akan membuat tutorial bagaimana membuat launcher un…
Initial Setup VSCode Mac Install Missing Font. Terminal ZSH: "terminal.integrated.fontFamily" : "MesloL…
Add an event listener to document and use Node.contains() to find whether the target of the event (which is the inn…
addEventListener es6 or arrow function: elemen.addEventListener('click', () => { console.log(this); });
onclick remove selected text css: .noselect { -webkit-touch-callout : none; /* iOS Safari */ -webkit-user-sele…
Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll: ::-webkit-scrollbar { width : 0px ; /* Remove scrollbar s…
Disable cache css & js Nginx (also work for nginx reverse proxy) - i have the following nginx virtual host (static…
Fix CSS padding increase size of element - I am trying to give my div and textarea some padding. When I do this, it i…
Permission for /home/apps/snake: 755 you can using for custom permission. server { …
For allow custom port like 3000 with ufw firewall on ubuntu server just type: ufw allow PORT --> ufw allow 3000 rel…
Cara Generate id rsa & id mac/linux - Untuk menggenerate id_rsa caranya sangat simple yaitu deng…