How to Install Hotjar NuxtJS or VueJS - Oke, this time i want to share how to use hotjar on nuxtjs or vuejs project. You may have the important numbers like page traffic and drop-off rate from your analytics tool. But do you know why your users are behaving a certain way? Where on the page specifically they are having issues that lead to them bouncing? Why they are not converting? Hotjar helps you answer these questions. Let's show you how.
FYI : hotjar is not free but you can try trial version for free without credit card.
- Add @netsells/nuxt-hotjar dependency using yarn or npm to your project
npm i @netsells/nuxt-hotjar
yarn add @netsells/nuxt-hotjar
- Add @netsells/nuxt-hotjar to modules section of nuxt.config.js
modules:'@netsells/nuxt-hotjar'id: 'hjid'sv: 'hjsv']
- Required
- Hotjar ID
- Hotjar Snippet Version
that's how to install hotjar on vue, thanks!
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